- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Apollo 13, Houston. You have a GO orbit all sources, and the booster is safe. Over.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Apollo 13, Houston. Your preliminary orbit down here is 102.5 times 100.3, and everything is looking good.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
13, Houston. I have your Z torquing angles. You ready?
Expand selection up Expand selection down Close - Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Okay. Couple minutes to LOS, Jim. Everything is looking real good. Your AOS time at Carnarvon will be 52:36, and we don't have too much of a handle on why the inboard cut off early except that it apparently was an engine problem and not a switch-select function. But we are certain that you'll be able to make TLI based on what we are looking at now.
- Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay, Joe. Everything's going good. We're proceeding on the time line in good fashion. I've got a P52 done. I can give you the torquing angles.
- Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay. Use NOUN 26; stars 26 and 33. The star angle difference was all balls. NOUN 93: minus 067, minus all balls, plus 0.162. The time of torquing was 45 minutes 35 seconds.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Yes. Okay, 13. We've got nothing for you at the moment. Everything's looking good. We're looking at your data now.
- Joe Kerwin (CAPCOM)
Apollo 13, Houston. LOS Carnarvon in about 30 seconds. Honeysuckle on the hour, and verify your S-band is up for Honeysuckle. Over.
Spoken on April 11, 1970, 7:28 p.m. UTC (54 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet