Jim Lovell (CDR)


Jim Lovell (CDR)

Roger. We still want an activation start time for a burn.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Understand. You want a powerup time, is that affirm?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. Look it. Let's get the cameras squared away; let's get all set to burn. We got one chance now.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

We're not going to hack it at 152 hours.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Over.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Jim, regarding the start time for the powerup, you mentioned an hour and 15 minutes. We think that is adequate. This is crew preference depending on how much time you think you need. We would go along with an hour and 15 minutes —

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay—Okay, sounds good.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Fred-o. You been through most of that checklist for an hour? Let's get it out and …

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Hey, Jack. Did you … camera back up …?

Fred Haise (LMP)

Page 2, I'm going to power up the …

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Over.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jim. We have about three items for you. We have a maneuver pad, P30 LM maneuver, again; and the maneuver pad for the CM for splashdown. We also have a checklist change with contingencies,—LM contingencies checklist. And, I'll stand by while you're gathering the books.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I'm at—I got the contingency book, so give me that one first.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. I'm at page 18.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. About half-way down. When propellant quantity equals 30 percent, or rather 37 percent, we would like to change that line to read—when time to go is equal to 10 seconds—Of course, the line under that remains the same then, DESCENT HE REG 1 to CLOSE.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. When time to go equals 10 seconds, DESCENT HELIUM REG 1, CLOSE.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's affirm. Before I start on the pads, another comment. The general indications that we gave you before about the Sun being in the commander's window and about stars in the AOT, such as that might be used as general indication for your attitude for the burn, that's all out the window. We are just going on the Sun check that we made earlier and we don't feel that we have information that is good enough to give you the star and the Sun in the window information.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. You're very weak now. When you are ready to take the P30 LM maneuver pad, I'll be reading it up.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. Go ahead with the …

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. This is P30, LM maneuver pad, PC plus 2 hours, starting with NOUN 33, 079:27:38.30, plus 0833.0, minus 0050.9, minus 0213.9, N/A, plus 0020.5, 0861.5, 4:24, 272, 081, and the rest is N/A except for comments as follows. Ullage, two jets, 10 seconds; CSM weight, 62480; LM weight, 33452 and the DPS throttle profile is the same as before, 5 seconds at minimum, 21 seconds at 40 percent, and the remainder of the time at MAX. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Vance. … 079:27:38.30, plus 0833.0, minus 0050.9, minus 0213.9, N/A, plus 00205, 08615, 4:24, 272, 081 and the rest N/A. Ullage two jets 10 seconds, CSM weight 62480, LM weight 33452, DPS throttle profile same as before, 5 seconds, 40 percent for 21 seconds, 40 percent, and the remainder at MAX throttle …

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Aquarius; Houston. You're coming in about 1 by 1 now. Advise that I heard everything except the beginning NOUN 33 values and the comments. Please repeat the readback on those.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I'm going to UP with the POWER AMP here, Vance.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Houston, how do you read Aquarius now?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Hey, you're loud and clear now.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I got the POWER AMPS now, PC plus 2 hours, 079:27; 38.030, plus 08330, minus 00509, minus 02139, N/A, plus 00205, 08615, 4:24, 272, 081; rest N/A. Ullage two jets, 10 seconds, CSM weight 62480, LM weight 33452; DPS throttle profile the same, 5 seconds idle, 40 percent at 21 seconds. Remainder at MAX.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger. Forty percent for 21 seconds, I believe is what you read back. And all the rest is correct. Now, for the maneuver pad for the CSM. Over.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred-o. This is maneuver pad monitor PC plus 2 hours; all N/A until you get to NOUN 61, latitude minus 21.65, minus 165.00, 1163.5, 36292, 142:39:22. Over.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Monitor plane change plus 2; NOUN 81 minus 21.65 minus 165.00, 1163.5, 36292, 142:39:22.

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger. That was starting with NOUN 61, and that's correct.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

By the way, Aquarius, we see the results now from 12's seismometer. Looks like your booster just hit the Moon, and it's rocking it a little bit. Over.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Well, at least something worked on this flight.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

And I just want to verify one thing, we could —

Jack Swigert (CMP)

I say I'm sure glad we didn't have a LM impact, too.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Right. Just wanted to verify—We had poor reception when I was talking to you before—I wanted to verify that you understand that the Sun check you made earlier in the AOT was good, and that's what we're riding on. Anything that we told you in the past about looking at the Sun in the front left window or looking at stars, like Nunki through the AOT, why, we want to forget.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Roger. Understand, Vance. I think Nunki would be kind of hard to see anyway with the Moon right here.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

And, Vance, we plan to start powering up at 78:12. Is that a good time or do you think we ought to hold off a little longer?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Jim, we think that's very good.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Apollo 13, Houst—Aquarius, Houston.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Fred, after the burn, we'll get the powerdown instructions, or checklist changes to you. At the same time, we'd like to get a consumables status to you. All I'll say right now is that we think you look in reasonably good shape.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Houston, Aquarius.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. One CAUTION AND WARNING light here showing that you didn't call out—it's the PRE AMPS—I suppose because we don't have the ATCA breaker in yet.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Houston, are you planning to give us a state vector update.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's—That's affirm, Jim. All we need is UPDATA LINK circuit breaker closed on panel 11, and P00 and ACCEPT and we can ship it up to you. P00 and DATA.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Vance. We're in DATA and P00 and the circuit breaker's in. Go ahead.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We'll ship her up to you.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Jim, request verify RANGING FUNCTION switch is in RANGING. We need that, if it's not there now.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. The computer is yours.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Did you call?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

We didn't call, Houston.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Houston, are you calling Aquarius?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger, Fred. I would like to confirm that you are getting drinking water out of, potable water out of the command module and, if you can make any estimates of how much you use as time goes on, and how much you have used, we would appreciate it for our consumables analysis.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Jack. Tried the procedure and out of that pressure, we got 10 drinks made. That's roughly 80 ounces.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred, we had a little static on that one, but I think you said that 80 ounces of water has been used out of the CM. Is that right?

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes. Jack worked the procedure and filled as many of the drinks as he could, and he made up ten bags of approximately 8 ounces a bag.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Jim, just a bit of information, if for any reason you had to slip Tig, our people here feel it wouldn't do much harm if you slipped it up to 30 minutes. The procedure, of course as you know, is not to PRO on the flashing 99 and we thought you might like to be aware that Tig time isn't all that critical.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Vance; Aquarius.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I think it's finally coming through to us here, what you said just a little while ago. Were you suggesting that we move the Tig up 30 minutes?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

No, not at all. We're just giving you excess information. Just saying if you had any problem at all it could be slipped.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on April 15, 1970, 1:14 a.m. UTC (54 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Fred Haise (LMP)

Oh, okay. Slipped 30 minutes. Okay. That's better.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

You guys are pretty fast, though.