Phase 4: Towards Earth

Jim Lovell (CDR)

We're burning 40 percent.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. You're looking good.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, you were looking good at 2 minutes. Still looking good.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, you're GO at 3 minutes.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Don't forget DESCENT REG 1, off; 10 seconds to go.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Are you reading our 1640, Houston?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

We'll proceed. Here's our residuals.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

I say, that was a good burn.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Roger. And now we want to power down as soon as possible.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Suggest maybe you just read off the circuit breakers you want us to power down. As you did yesterday, for us.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We have a procedure ready to send up to you here in about 2 minutes. Let us know when you're all ready to take it.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Is it going to be better to write this on a blank page, Vance, or can we use some portion of the powerdown list there in the contingency book that already exists.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Over.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Slight delay here, Jim. It will be a couple of minutes before we read that up to you, and we're looking at the contingency checklist powerdown and that's on page 5. You might be getting that out while we get all ready to give it to you.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Could you give us that page number again. Page 5 doesn't make sense.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Make that power 5 in the contingency checklist, Fred. And it's the —

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

— middle part of the page, it starts emergency powerdown, and we'll mark that up.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I'm to 5 emergency powerdown.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. But hold off on it because we might have to start PTC up again here. And that's the point that's being resolved right at the moment, so stand by.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Over.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We're ready to give you the procedure which will power you down a good bit, and after the PTC is going, maybe we can give you further information, are you ready to copy? Starting at the middle of the page, power 5.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Go ahead, Vance.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. After number 1, first line, cross out “And VHF-A.” Second line, cross out “SIMPLEX operation.” Third line, cross out “Prime.” That refers to PRIME POWER AMP, OFF. That—that “PRIME” should actually be replaced by OFF. And that's the second prime that line. Also in the third line the last word “OFF” should be crossed out and replaced by “PCM.” Fourth line is okay. Fifth line, which is “VHF VOICE, ON, OFF, OFF,” cross out. “Lighting, FLOODS,” which is the next line should be “OFF”, but add the following, “Or OVERHEAD/FORWARD prefer OFF.” Okay. Step 2 remains the same; no change for the moment. Stand by. Skip step 2. Do not do it. Just go on to step 3, which is “Configure circuit breakers per the chart.” That takes us to page power 6. Why don't you give me a readback on what you had on power 5, Fred-o.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. On power 5, emergency powerdown. Item 1, first line, I scratch the “And VHF-A.” Second line “SIMPLEX operation.” Third line, I replace the second prime which is the POWER AMP with an “OFF,” and the last word in that line is “OFF,” replaced it with “PCM.” Fourth line is okay. Fifth line, I scratch the whole line. Lighting, we haven't needed floods yet so we will just leave them off, exterior lighting off. Scratch line 2 and I am now on power 6, wait for your update on the CB panels.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Power 6. Okay. Power 6 refers to panel 11. You should go per the chart with the exception of those breakers that I call out. First line is okay. Or, let's say, first row. Second row, QUAD 4, TCA, closed; QUAD 3, TCA, closed; QUAD 2, TCA, closed; and QUAD 1, TCA, closed. The rest of that row is okay. Row 3, about halfway over, ATCA (PGNS), closed. Okay. The rest of that line is okay. Fourth line, HEATER—stand by. Okay. That line is all okay with the exception of the last three circuit breakers, Fred, under PGNS, which is LGC DSKY, IMU STANDBY, IMU OPERATE. Those three should be closed, at least for the time being. And finally, the fifth line; it's okay as is. And would you give me a readback on that?

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. I disagree on the fifth line. It appears that we ought to have the ASCENT ECA CONTROL open.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We'll check into that one and while we are listening to the rest of your readout.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. And top row is correct as is. Second row we want the QUAD TCAs 1 through 4 closed. On the third row, we want the ATCA (PGNS), closed. On the fourth row we want the PGNS LGC DSKY, IMU STANDBY, IMU OPERATE, all closed, and you're saying the bottom row as is.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We'll go along with what you said on the ASCENT ECA CONTROL. That should be open.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. Continue, Vance.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on April 15, 1970, 2:45 a.m. UTC (54 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Next page, power 7, panel 16. First row, close the four QUAD TCA circuit breakers, that is, QUAD 1, TCA; QUAD 2, QUAD 3, and QUAD 4 TCA. Okay. Rows 2, 3, and 4 are okay.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Panel 16, top row, we want to close QUAD 1 through 4 TCA breakers, and you're saying the other three rows are as is. Again, I have the exception the ASCENT ECA CONTROL on 16 should also be open.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We concur on that, and we have a late arrival in row 3. Stand by.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. One addition, third row. The S-BAND POWER AMP. Request that you pull that circuit breaker and leave the switch in PRIMARY.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Yes, that's the way we were doing it before. I'll pull the POWER AMP CB, and then I'll go back to the first stage and put the POWER AMP to PRIME.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's correct; that should be changed back to PRIME. And that's—that's it.

Fred Haise (LMP)

RESET, OFF and LOW. Okay. Lighting bus off; EXTERIOR LIGHTING is off. Okay. You want to get your breakers, Jim? We ought to probably go back to that wide deadband.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. The BUS TIE INVERTERs are coming off the line.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Yes. Go ahead. Sorry, I put the switch off, that'll kill caution and warning.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. Let's see. So we're going to lose the ball again.

Fred Haise (LMP)

I'll get 16 NOUN 20 out.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Do you have me move AUTO TRANSFER this time?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Why do I still have a VHF-A receiver off?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Let's give them a call, panel 11.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, Vance. I'm on—Do you read me now, hot mike?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger. Loud and clear, Fred.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Jim just noticed we got a VHF breaker in on panel 11 still, I think, that probably should be opened.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. That's affirmative. Pull the VHF-A receiver.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

I got it already. Okay. Now, why are we putting the cabin fan on?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Oh, oh, oh. Oh, yes. Okay.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay. I'm going to pull inverter 1.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Not very long since they had the switch off on you, anyway.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

— but my only question is, I got the CROSS TIE BUS circuit breaker in? Could be—Yes, this one right here.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Good line. It's on. Because that line is open.

Fred Haise (LMP)

I'll look over at that caution in a minute.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Yes. We've managed the first 30 hours or so here without the caution and warning; we don't need to keep it up now, do we?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. That's one that we're leaving up until the PTC is established. We have a procedure for PTC to try with you, which we're hopeful will work pretty well. And I'll read that up as soon as you get what you're doing now done.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Why don't you go ahead, and I'll get this PTC procedure. It's by the photo log, and I'll just get that.

Fred Haise (LMP)

And one other question, Houston. You really want to pull the ASA breaker? You want to give up the AGS probably for good now, huh?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Houston, I'm standing by to copy the PTC procedures.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. I'll get back with you on your question in a minute, Fred. New, here comes the PTC procedure. Step 1, GUIDANCE CONTROL to PGNS; two MODE CONTROL, ATT HOLD; VERB 76, ENTER; maneuver to PTC attitude; and that incidentally is roll 0, pitch 90, and present yaw. We realize you can't monitor that on your FDAI, but you can on a verb, with a VERB 16 NOUN 20.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Roger. GUIDANCE CONTROL, PGNS; MODE CONTROL, ATT HOLD, VERB 76, ENTER; maneuver to PTC attitude which is roll 0, pitch 90, and yaw, which is the present yaw. Is that correct?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's correct. Okay. Next. Mode—at—When you're established at the attitude, MODE CONTROL AUTO. Key in VERB 16 NOUN 20 to monitor rates; when less than 0.1 degree a second, rate in all—in each axis, then disable plus-X thrusters. Okay. Next VERB 25, NOUN 07, ENTER; 1257, ENTER; 252, ENTER; 1, ENTER; VERB 77, ENTER; VERB 48, ENTER; put in the DAR 22110 and PROCEED; VERB 34, ENTER; then VERB 16, NOUN 20; and monitor rates. On rates less than 0.01 degrees per second in all axis: VERB 76, ENTER; MODE CONTROL, ATT HOLD; then 30 clicks of right yaw to start the maneuver. Over.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Vance. PTC procedure: GUIDANCE CONTROL, PGNS; MODE CONTROL, ATT HOLD; VERB 76, ENTER; maneuver to PTC attitude; roll 0, pitch 90, yaw 0; my ball now, of course, is inoperative, so I'll have to get that on the DSKY. The 5 is MODE CONTROL, AUTO; 6: VERB 16, NOUN 20, monitor rates; rates less that 1 degree per second in each axis, disable, and I didn't hear that last part. The next one was VERB 25, NOUN 07, ENTER; 1257, ENTER; 252, ENTER; 1, ENTER; VERB 77, ENTER; VERB 48, ENTER; 22110, PROCEED; VERB 34, ENTER; VERB 16, NOUN 20, ENTER; monitor rates. Rates less than 0.01 degrees per second in all axis. VERB 76, ENTER; MODE CONTROL, ATT HOLD; then 30 clicks of right yaw to stop—to start—maneuvers

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Roger. That's correct, Jim. To—to answer your questions and correct one point, yaw should be your present yaw, whatever it is, and that's up with roll 0, pitch 90, present yaw. The other thing is, you said disable and you didn't hear the rest. That's disable plus-X thrusters. And, finally, near the end, the 22110 referred to DAP loading.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Roger. Now, to maneuver to PTC roll 0, pitch 90 and yaw in—and pitch in here, roll is here. Yaw—whatever yaw we have in. Okay, Vance. In our initial maneuver to PTC attitude, I am going to have to use—to display 16 20 and I'll have to use the TTCA to get there.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Jim, Roger. Your use of the TC—TTCA and just a reminder that in maneuvering that—that—that roll is in R3 and yaw is in R1.