Jack Swigert (CMP)
Okay. BAT B, 37.0; pyro A, 37.0; pyro B, 37.0; SPS helium pressure, 3400; and nitrogen A and B—just for throwing it in for kicks, 2200 and 2400, respectively; and the injector temperature—stand by- The Sun went down. Okay. The injector temperature, 5 Charlie, 3.9; 5 Dog, 3.2; 6 Alfa, 3.6; 6 Baker, 3.9; 6 Charlie, 3.5; 6 Dog, 3.4; the battery manifold pressure, 1.4.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Jack, it's a general statement. It looks like temperatures have cooled off in the ballpark of 6 to 8 degrees cooler than what they were yesterday. Looks like everything is still within tolerance, but we're working up a detailed sheet of temperatures to send up to you, for your interest.
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Jack Swigert (CMP)
Vance, Joe brought up the alinement at EI minus 2 plus 30. Were you going to send up or have a discussion about that later on.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
That's correct, Jack. We just about have procedures in hand detail checklist-type procedures to send to you. In other words, a time line with reference to entry checklist and any changes in the entry checklist. So, if you have a few pages of scratch paper, why, I think we'll have that to you within an hour.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
The stowage people have tried out this black-and-white TV camera into B-6 idea and they say even with the lens off, they can't get it in. So, I still recommend that it be stowed where we had it on the list. That's A-7.
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Jack, looks like the LM suit release valve has been bumped to AUTO again; request it —
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)
Okay, Jack. We need another one of those voltage amps readouts and then maybe we will get off of your back for a little while.
Jack Swigert (CMP)
Oh, don't worry about it. I'd like to have you talk with us. Volts and amps coming up.
Spoken on April 16, 1970, 10:39 p.m. UTC (54 years, 10 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet