Ken Mattingly

Okay. That's the panel 8 floodlights. Now we're going to take panel 5 and put the FLOODLIGHT rheostat to FLOOD and the LEB, that's panel 100, FLOODLIGHTS are also going to FIXED. And the purpose of this is to balance up buses A and B.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 5; FLOODLIGHTS; you want the rheostat on. Panel 100, FLOODLIGHTS; you want FIXED.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Okay. On panel 8: circuit breakers EMS, MAIN A and MAIN B, that's two, open.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 8: EMS MAIN A and MAIN B, open.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. On panel 250: circuit breaker BATTERY A POWER ENTRY and POSTLANDING, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 250: CB BAT A POWER ENTRY and POSTLANDING, closed.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. The same for circuit breaker BATTERY B POWER ENTRY and POSTLANDING.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly


Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

Okay. That's correct. On panel 5: circuit breaker BAT CHARGE, BATTERY A CHARGE, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 5: CB BAT CHARGE, BAT A, close.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. And the same for circuit breaker for BATTERY CHARGE, BAT B/CHARGE, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, BAT CHARGER, BAT B, closed.

Ken Mattingly

All right. Like to take MAIN BUS TIES, two of them, on and up. That's probably a verify.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

MAIN BUS TIES A/C and B/C, on, verify.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Circuit breaker BATTERY RELAY BUS, BATTERY A and B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Circuit breaker EPS SENSOR SIGNAL, MAIN A and MAIN B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

Okay. On panel 275: circuit breaker MAIN A, BATTERY C, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Ken. Wait on that one here. I'm just about to lose you here. Just—I've got to change OMNIs.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Could you give me that one again, please.

Ken Mattingly

All right. On panel 275: circuit breaker MAIN A, BATTERY C, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. MAIN A, BAT B, closed on 275.

Ken Mattingly

That's MAIN A, BATTERY C, Charlie.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

MAIN A, BAT C, Charlie.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirm. No—Negative on battery Bravo.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Negative on battery Bravo. That's MAIN A, BAT Charlie, closed.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. Good. On panel 276: circuit breaker INSTRUMENTATION POWER CONTROL, 3 and 4, open.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Would you say that one again, Ken?

Ken Mattingly

All right. On panel 276: circuit breaker INSTRUMENTATION POWER CONTROL, 3 and 4, open.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 276: CB INSTRUMENTATION POWER CONTROL, 3 and 4, open.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Okay. Panel 5: circuit breaker CENTRAL INSTRUMENTATION POWER, MAIN B, closed.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. I'm sorry, Jack. Would you read that again, please?

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

Okay. That's correct. PRIMARY EVAPORATE WATER CONTROL valve to AUTO.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative.

Ken Mattingly

Okay, Jack. We want to put the PRIMARY and the SECONDARY EVAPORATED WATER CONTROL valves to AUTO.

Ken Mattingly

And, Jack, can you give us a readout on BAT B and the charger current?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Ken. That was the PRIMARY and SECONDARY H2O CONTROL valves to AUTO on 382.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative, and did you copy about the readout on the battery and charger?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Yes. Jim's on his way up.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. Thank you. All right, the next little step after your water control valves is to perform the CSM RCS preheat. We'll do that on page E/1-5, steps 35 and 37.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Ken. We're having a problem with the COMM. You read now?

Ken Mattingly

Yes, sir. Loud and clear.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. It's perform CMCSM RCS preheat, and could you say again all after?

Ken Mattingly

Okay. I'm referring to the entry checklist, page E/1-5, steps 35 and 37.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Perform CSM RCS preheat per entry checklist, page 1-5, steps 35 and 37.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Now back to panel 5: circuit breaker CAUTION AND WARNING, MAIN B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

That's affirm. On panel 2: CAUTION AND WARNING POWER to 1.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

That was POWER to number 1, Jack.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

Okay. On panel 5: circuit breaker EPS SENSOR UNIT, DC BUS A and B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Ken. The COMM from you is awful weak—awful weak, I—I can't—it's CB EPS SENSOR UNIT. Say again, after that.

Ken Mattingly

All right, Jack. That's CB EPS SENSOR UNIT, DC, that's Delta Charlie, BUS A and B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. CB EPS SENSOR UNIT, DC BUS A and B, close. And I'll give you the volts and amps.

Ken Mattingly

Okay, that's correct. Go ahead.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Volts are 39.1; amps, 1.5.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. On panel 3: MAIN BUS A and B, go to RESET and leave it in the center.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, panel 3—Stand by; got to change OMNI's.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. MAIN BUS A and B, RESET, then center.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Okay, now we're at EI minus 5 plus 05. And, as far as you're concerned, Jack, the command module is using this for information only. This will be the LM doing an Earth-terminator AGS alinement; and at the time of 5 plus 05 is the time they'll be going ahead and releasing their ball. And this will be covered in the LM checklist; it'll be uplinked after this one. At EI minus 5, we perform midcourse number 7. Over.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. At EI minus 05:05, the LM is making an Earth-terminator aline; and at EI minus 05:00, we perform MCC-7.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. At the completion of midcourse 7, the LM will maneuver to a separation attitude. And this attitude will be sent up on one of the pads that you're going to get before all the sequence starts. And it'll be flown to the LM ball angles on that pad.

Ken Mattingly

All right. At EI minus 4 plus 40, we want to perform page 1-6, step 39 of the entry checklist.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Ken, I—I didn't get it. We had to change OMNI's again. Could you say it—the EI minus 4 dash—or 04:40, we do something.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. And at that time, you'll want to perform step 39 of page E/1-6. Over.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Perform step 39 of entry checklist page E/1-6.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Okay. The next is the command module RCS activation, and that's step 4-1 of page E/1-6.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. The next is perform CSM—or CM RCS activation for step 4-1 of page E—E/1-6.

Ken Mattingly

All right, Jack. The next is at EI minus 4 plus 30. We want to verify that the LM is configured for command module RCS hotfire.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Verify LM configure for RCS hotfire at EI minus 04:30.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Now to panel 5: circuit breaker G&N IMU HEATER, MAIN B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 5: CB G&N IMU HEATER, MAIN A and MAIN B, closed.

Ken Mattingly

That's negative, Jack. That's MAIN B only.

Ken Mattingly

I'm sorry; I lost you that time. Say it again.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Let's repeat it. Stand by. Cut out. We've really got a strange attitude, so this is why we are having the COMM problem. Panel 5: CB G&N IMU HEATER, MAIN B, closed.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. On panel 1: ROTATION CONTROL POWER, NORMAL. That's two of them, to AC/DC.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, panel 1: RHC, NORMAL, two to AC/DC, two controllers.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. On panel 7: SCS, LOGIC POWER 2/3, ON.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

SCS, LOGIC POWER 2/3, ON, panel 7.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirm. Back to panel 2: RCS COMMAND, ON.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Now the command module RCS check per step 4 of page E/2-1.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Perform the command module RCS check per step 4, page 2-1.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Okay, at this point, we want to lock the rotation hand controllers.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. After that, lock both rotation hand controllers.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirm. On panel 8: SEQUENTIAL, PYRO ARM, two to ARM.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 8: set PYRO ARM, two, to ARM. Do I get a MSFN GO for that?

Ken Mattingly

That's negative, Jack. We haven't powered up any of the downlink at this time. You'll be doing this and the command module RCS pressurization both by yourself.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on April 17, 1970, 1:37 a.m. UTC (54 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Ken Mattingly

Okay. Now, the next event is going to be the separation of the service module, and these are some LM steps, but so that you will know what is going on, I'll read them to you. The LM will do a LM plus-X of one-half foot per second. Then you'll be hitting the CM SM SEP on and up, on their command. As soon as we are free of the service module, the LM will do another LM minus-X for 0.5 feet per second. This is called the push-pull maneuver. I think it was described this afternoon.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Yes, Ken. It was, I heard about it.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. I just wanted you to know that's the sequence you're in. Okay. At the completion of that, we go back to panel 8, and it's SEQUENTIAL, PYRO ARM, both of them, to SAFE.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 8: SEQ PYRO ARM, two, to SAFE.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. And following this, we take SEQUENTIAL, LOGIC, two, to OFF.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. LOGIC, two, to OFF.

Ken Mattingly

I'm sorry, Jack. I'll have to ask you to repeat that.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 8: SEQ LOGIC, two, to OFF. Are they ON now, Ken? I don't remember turning them—I guess that's part of one of the other sequences, huh? That we turned them ON?

Ken Mattingly

That's affirm. The reason we're turning the logic off, Jack, is a power savings. So we'll be turning them off, and I'll be getting them back on when we go to get off of the LM; and then turn them back off, then we'll be turning them on prior to entry. Just so you know what's coming.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. Then following this, the LM will pitch up to acquire the Moon—Excuse me, they're going to pitch up and acquire the service module and photograph, and they'll be using the ACA for rotations from now on. And you may see the LM out of window number 5 at the same time they pitch up to acquire it.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. The LM pitches up, acquires the service module and photographs it, and I should expect to find—might possibly see the service module out of window 5.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Okay, now we're down to EI minus 3 hours, or the next time-event, and the LM starts a maneuver to what we call the Moon-view attitude. This maneuver is designed to place the command module optics pointing with zero zero at the Moon, and it will be flown to on the LM ball angle.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, the LM maneuvers to the Moon-viewing attitude which would place the Moon in the center of the command module optics with them at zero zero.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Okay, now we're going to panel 5, and it's circuit breaker G&N, COMPUTER, MAIN B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Panel 5: CB G&N, COMPUTER, MAIN B, closed.

Ken Mattingly

That's affirmative. Now you're going to come up with a 37 ENTER 06 ENTER most likely on the computer. And what we want to do is to put the computer to standby; if you come up with a 37 06, you'll have to do an ENTER in order to get the code 62. If it's got 62 on it, you can do a PROCEED until the DSKY blanks. You might remember that the AC is still off at this time so you won't be getting the STANDBY status light, and your cue that the computer is indeed in standby is when the DSKY goes blank.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. You're saying that I will probably get a PROGRAM 06 with a VERB 37 ENTER flashing.

Ken Mattingly

I expect that you —

Ken Mattingly

I expect you are —

Ken Mattingly

Yes. We think that you're going to come up with a 37 06 already in the DSKY. If you do, do an ENTER and that should take you to the code 00062, which is the request for standby. And when you get that, hit PROCEED until the DSKY blanks. If you come up with something else, that's where we want to end up anyhow. With either, when you get the code 62 when it comes up, just do a PROCEED on it.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Is there anything else I could get?

Ken Mattingly

I don't believe so, Jack. That's one that when you get to that step, if you do get something else, we will be standing by to see that you see. The whole scheme is to go to standby.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Will you be getting it on downlink?

Ken Mattingly

No, sir. We don't have that powered up yet.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. I'll yell to Jim, and Jim will give you a call.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. The basic thing, Jack, is just to get the computer in standby to save power.

Ken Mattingly

And we need another battery B readout.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. He is on his way. Go ahead.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. Now, we're at EI minus 2 plus 30; we're going to panel 5: circuit breaker ESSENTIAL INSTRUMENTATION, MAIN A, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Now circuit breaker G&N, IMU HEATER, MAIN A, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

That's correct. CB LM POWER-1 and -2, open.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

CB LM POWER-1 and -2, open.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. CB G&N, COMPUTER, MAIN A, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)


Ken Mattingly

Okay, Jack. And that's correct. I got it out of sequence. Would you put that COMPUTER, MAIN A, ahead of LM POWER?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Ken. That's CB G&N, COMPUTER, MAIN A, closed, goes before CB LM POWER-1 and -2, open.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Jack, what we're doing is we've had the LM powering MAIN B, and we've had all these particular loads on it, and we're getting ready to secure LM power so we wanted to make sure that essential things like the computer, the platform, and all have dioded power supplies before we remove the LM power.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Sounds good. Volts, 39.1; amps, 1.3.

Ken Mattingly

Okay. Thank you. All right, now panel 275: circuit breaker MAIN B, BATTERY BUS B, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Panel 275: CB MAIN B, BAT BUS B, closed.

Ken Mattingly

That's correct. Circuit breaker INVERTER POWER 1, 2, and 3, closed.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

CB INVERTER POWER 1, 2, and 3, closed.