Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Okay. We want back in again the next step which is “At burn attitude: VERB 40 NOUN 20, ENTER.”

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Proceeding on down, delete “At burn attitude” and the step above it, which is 400 plus 5.

Fred Haise (LMP)

400 plus 5 and the “at burn attitude.”

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. That's all for page 32, Fred. Next, page 33.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Under 4 minutes, minus 4 minutes, add back in MODE CONTROL, both, to ATT HOLD.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. MODE CONTROL, both, to ATT HOLD.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Two steps below that, add back in TTCA COMMANDER THROTTLE MIN DPS, and add in DPS.

Fred Haise (LMP)

TTC—Yes. Seems like you should be in JETS, since this is going to be—is this going to be RCS or a DPS burn?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. This will be JETS for RCS and THROTTLE for DPS.

Fred Haise (LMP)

What I don't understand is, what is this MCC likely to be? I thought it was going to be an RCS.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Well, we—We expect that, but we're remaining flexible.

Fred Haise (LMP)

(Laughter) Okay. Okay. I'll put in TTCA THROTTLE MIN for DPS, JETS for RCS.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's correct. Okay. That's all on page 33. Go to page 34.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Beneath everything on that page, add in the following. Return to “Entry,—LM PREP” check—return to “Entry, LM PREP” checklist —

Fred Haise (LMP)

Hold on, Vance; I don't understand. We want to delete everything on page 34?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

No, that's not correct, Fred. What we wait to do is leave everything the way it is on 34, and add this one comment I'm giving you at the—at the bottom of it.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Oh, okay. Okay. I misunderstood. Okay. Go ahead with your added comment.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Return to “Entry LM PREP checklist.”

Fred Haise (LMP)

… turn to—return to “Entry, LM checklist?”

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's affirm. At EI minus 5 hours.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. At EI minus 5 hours. Let me take a look and see how that flows, now.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. And also you have a —

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. That would be the LM—the LM preentry procedure. Yes. Okay.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's correct, and, also on that page, you—from our last correct—or addition exercise, you have a section called “Reestablish PTC.” We'd like to scratch all of that, of course.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. That's all except for one comment that we have, and—just a second.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Stand by 1. Fred, we're polling the room for comments here, any last minute thoughts from people. We'll be right back with you.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. Just two changes, comments to what we just gave you. The first is near the front at EI—in the section under “EI minus 2-1/2 hours,” power removal from CM LM umbilical." We'll let you turn to that.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, I'm there at “EI minus 2-1/2 hours, power removal CM LM umbilical.”

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Under LM, we have a step, BAT 2, LOW VOLTAGE, OFF/RESET, than ON. Next we have a step BAT 2, HI VOLTAGE. OFF/RESET, then ON. We request that you wait in between these two steps for us to give you a GO. In other words, we'd like to look and see that all the relays closed and all that sort of thing before you throw BAT 2, HI VOLTAGE, to OFF/RESET, and ON.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay, After BAT 2, LOW VOLTAGE, OFF/RESET, I'll—then ON, I'll wait for a MSFN GO before proceeding.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Right-o. Okay. Next, at—Under the section of “EI minus 1 hour and 45 minutes”—No, change that. Correction, “EI minus 1 hour, 35 minutes,” refer to the ECS section, and we have a change.

Fred Haise (LMP)

All right. Go ahead, Vance.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jim's right. We should cross out all this stuff with a couple of exceptions. FORWARD DUMP valve, closed, the first step, should remain. All other steps should be scratched, except for the last one, which is OVERHEAD DUMP valve, closed. That leaves two steps.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Under ECS, we delete all except the first step, FORWARD DUMP valve, close, and step 10, which is OVERHEAD DUMP valve, closed, and leave in verify transfer list.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

That's affirm. Leave in what follows, which is verify transfer list and IVT and all that.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

IVT, of course, meaning CDR transferring to the CM.

Fred Haise (LMP)

We wouldn't forget it.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred-o. That's—That's the changes. Not quite as extensive as the CSM had, but still pretty long. Any comments or questions to the house here?

Fred Haise (LMP)

No, it looks pretty good to me, Vance.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. Very good. Only other comment, aside from the checklist, we've been watching your descent stage water, and it looks—or your ascent stage water, and it looks real good.

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. We're going to try to refrain from calling you from now on, so that you can maybe get a couple of winks. We're getting a status around the room first, to see if anybody has any comments for you and, after that, we'll try to leave you alone for awhile.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Hey, Fred-o. Are you there?

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay. We polled the room. We don't have much for you. Only comments as follows: your consumables are looking good; your entry gamma right now is minus 6.01. We're expecting a midcourse of 2.81 foot per second which should be about 21 seconds of RCS.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. It sounds good.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. See you in the morning.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, Houston. Request you open the POWER AMPLIFIER circuit breaker and DOWN VOICE BACKUP, please.

Vance Brand (CAPCOM)


No contact for 2:48:13
Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Fred, in a couple of minutes we're going to hand over the Honeysuckle, so there'll be—Our uplink will be terminated. We'll contact you when we get it back.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

After that, I've got a couple minutes of work for you.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Let's wait until after the handover.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Yes, I'm hearing you loud and clear. How me, Fred?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay. We want to get some ranging data on you for about 15 minutes. So close the POWER AMPLIFIER circuit breaker and go to NORMAL VOICE, please.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. You ought to have it now, Jack.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay. You're coming through good now, Fred. I've got three DELTAs to the checklist. They're minor changes. I'd like to pass them along now. One of them is to the CSM checklist. So if you'll pick that up, I'll give it to you.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Is it the one Jack wrote them all in? The big long readout? He also wrote something in the G&N book.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

It's in the big, long one he wrote out at about EI minus 02:30. EMS entry check.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. He's coming back down with it.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Meanwhile, Fred, I've got two for you on the LM PREP checklist.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Jack's here now. I'll hand it to him.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay, Houston; Aquarius.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Hello, Aquarius. I've got a couple of changes for you on your CSM checklist.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Jack. The time line between EI minus 02:30 and 1 hour is real crowded, so you're really going to have to hustle, and we've decided to delete the EMS entry check at minus 02:30. That'll give you a little more time in there. What we've decided to do with it is wait until after EI minus 1, just before you initialize the EMS. If you have time, and only if you have time, do the EMS entry check. Otherwise, forget it and go right on into EMS initialization. You understand?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. You're going to delete between 2 hours and 30 minutes and 02:15 there, and you're going to add it, if there is time, only if there is time, at EI minus 1 hour where the EMS initialization occurs .

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

That's right. You got it correctly. Okay, Jack. One other item. Just before EI minus 2 hours and 15 minutes, we need an E-memory dump VERB 74 ENTER. Over.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Stand by 1, would you, please?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. Right before 2 hours and 15 minutes, I assume that's before MSFN gives their P27 update, I do a VERB 74. Right?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative, Jack.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

How much sleep did you get, Jack?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Oh, I guess—Stand by. I guess maybe 2 or 3 hours. It was awful cold, and it wasn't very good sleep.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. You plan to try to get any more?

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Well, if I—If I get everything done, I'll try, but I tell you, it's almost impossible to sleep. All of us have that same problem. It's just too cold to sleep.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. The way we're looking at it, looks like you ought to have a couple 3 hours here before you have to really get with it.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

We'll—we'll take it easy, but I—and we'll try to sleep, but it's just awful cold.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Present data indicates that your entry angle is minus 6.03 degrees. Your DELTA-V at the midcourse is going to 2.8 feet a second.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Jack, this is Jim. I understand this is going to be an RCS burn.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

That's affirmative, Jim. It's going to be an RCS burn.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

And we need the SUIT CIRCUIT RELIEF valve back to AUTO. Correction, back to CLOSE.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Hey, Jack, that's in work. And one thing, comparing Jim's checklist with my own, I find one difference there at EI minus 02:30. His checklist has me changing a—opening a EPS SENSOR SIGNAL circuit breaker right prior to turning off LM power. Is—I'd like to find out which checklist is correct.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Hey, Jack. The LM checklist is just for information to Jim. It's just to tell him that—that you're changing back to command module power. Your checklist is correct. Over.

Jack Swigert (CMP)

Okay. And when do you figure that you'll be sending up the pads that you have?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Aquarius, all of your pads will be coming up in about 3-1/2 hours, at EI minus 06:30. And one thing we want to remind you of, when you remove power from the command module LM umbilical, is to be sure that you open the LM POWER MAIN B circuit breakers, both of them, before you start throwing switches and circuit breakers in the LM. Do it as we've outlined it in the procedure, in that order. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. That's the way we planned on it. We'll let Jack do his three and then he'll tell us when we're GO from there. What pages are those changes on?

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. The one I've got for you is at the end of power removal from the command module LM umbilical. And just for your information, after you go through that entire procedure and about the time you're ready to transfer to the command module, at that time, power will be removed from the umbilical, and it's okay to disconnect it. That is, after you've thrown the switches in the LM. Is that clear?

Fred Haise (LMP)

Roger. That's where I've got a remark here to check with you to see if it's all right to proceed.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. And that would be just after, on panel 16, you opening ASCENT ECA CONTROL breakers.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Which step number is that?

Fred Haise (LMP)

The confusing thing is, Jack, where they told me to wait for MSFN GO before proceeding was that BAT 2 LOW VOLTS OFF/RESET, then ON.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay. That's still affirmative. We'll give you a go after waiting 5 seconds, and then down from there just a few steps, after you have opened the ASCENT ECA CONTROL breakers on panel 16, at that point, the umbilical is not powered, and it's okay to disconnect them should you care to do so.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. After the last step then, I'm free to disconnect.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Right. And one other change we have is, shortly after that, where we're configuring for jettison, we have closed both the FORWARD DUMP valve and the OVERHEAD DUMP valve. And we don't want to get in a locked up position like that, so one way to get around it is to—After we close the FORWARD DUMP valve, turn the DESCENT OXYGEN valve off. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. After the FORWARD DUMP valve, add a step in that says the DESCENT OX valve, off.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Fred. That concludes the DELTAs. And perhaps you heard that our GAMMAs are still minus 6.03 and our DELTA-V will be a 2.8-foot-per-second RCS burn.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Fred-o, we've got one more change we'd like to give you to clarify a question that Jack asked earlier. At EI minus 02:30 —

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Hold on a minute, Jack. I meant to call Jack back down. I'm not familiar with the previous discussion.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Negative. This is on your checklist.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

At E mi—EI minus 02:30, during power removal from the umbilical, first thing we do is two steps with the CSM. We open the MAIN B, the LM POWER to MAIN B circuit breakers, and then there's a third step which says “Circuit breaker EPS SENSOR SIGNAL, MAIN B, open.” Just delete that step. Over.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Delete the third step.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

And, Aquarius, for your information, as far as our water supply is concerned, including our plans for powerup, we have an additional 18 hours of water remaining from this point.

Fred Haise (LMP)

Okay. Eighteen hours of water remaining from this point, Jack.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Hello, Houston; Aquarius.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Hello, Aquarius. Go ahead.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Okay, Jack. This is Jim. I just want to make sure that you're filtering the changes to the checklist that come up to make sure that they're absolutely essential. When we learn our procedures, we can only do it one time, and we can't make changes at the last minute. We'd like to do the best, the safest way possible, but unless the changes are really essential, don't bother sending them up.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Roger. We won't. The chairman of the CPCB is still active, and one thing we're trying to do is to save you all the time we can between EI minus 02:30 and 1 hour.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

That's affirm. That's a real important time.

Deke Slayton

Yes. For your information, Jim, I don't know whether you heard that originally, but that time from 2-1/2 to 1 in there has been run about three times, and it's pretty tight, so we've tried to weed out what we could, which isn't much, but I think the other message you might impress on Jack when you get around to alining that platform, don't try to get it down too neat. It doesn't have to be all that good. Just do a nice quick and dirty one, and that's going to be good enough anyway.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

I concur. I think for reentry we don't have to have a real accurate platform, but I haven't told Jack that.

Deke Slayton

Roger. Hey, Jim, while you're up and things are nice and quiet, let me give you a couple of other things to think about. One specifically. I know none of you are sleeping worth a damn because it's so cold, and you might want to dig out the medical kit there around 01:35 or in that ballpark, and pull out a couple of Dexedrines apiece and try one about then, and another around 01:39 to 01:40.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Well, I hadn't brought that up. We might—We might consider it.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on April 17, 1970, 4:45 a.m. UTC (54 years, 5 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Deke Slayton

Wish we could figure a way to get a hot cup of coffee up to you. It'd probably taste pretty good about now, wouldn't it?

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Yes, it sure would. You don't realize how cold this thing becomes when it's in a PTC mode that's slowing down, and I just clocked the cycles on my … And it's about 11 to 12 minutes now, and the Sun is directly overhead, so it's shining on the engine bell of the service module and not getting down to the spacecraft at all.

Deke Slayton

Hang in there. It won't be long now.

Jim Lovell (CDR)

Yes. That's right. As a matter of fact, doing this alinement on the Earth this time will be like making a landing with a fogged-up windshield.

Jack Lousma (CAPCOM)

Okay, Skipper. We figured out a way for you to keep warm. We decided to start powering you up now, and what we want you to do—what we want you to do is take your entry LM PREP checklist and start at the top where it says “BAT 5 NORMAL FEED on,” and then jump over as it says to your 30-minute activation, and do all of the 30-minute activation up to, but not including, the burn. You copy?